My home is my homepage.
We believe that your website should be more than just your company’s presence in the digital world. We think of your website more as another home for your company that just happens to be digital. Furthermore, this platform should welcome guests as warmly as possible.
As a full-service agency, Speer+Rogal designs, writes and codes your website. Whether your website is a stand-alone project, a part of your branding campaign, or the first step in building your start-up.
Here are three examples for local business, international business and a for newly founded company:
Saigon is one of our favorite restaurants in Mannheim. To create a web presence worthy of the place, we designed a website that represented its atmosphere using a “reduced design” that provided ample space for pictures of delicious food.
Tasnee is one of Arabia’s largest petrochemical companies – and operates in 86 different countries. We created an easy to use, intuitive web design, that presented all the relevant news in a clear and succinct way.
Werner/Klein/Partner are a newly established recruitment agency. Our goal was to create a website that is as practical as it is appealing, with a simple structure that’s easy to navigate. Correspondingly, we created a website that didn’t just establish the company’s brand in a simple and concise way, but could also be built at a reasonable cost.
So this website is a good example for the cost-effective services that Speer+Rogal provide for nascent start-ups: Our package includes a website, logos, business supplies and brochures.